The voter registration deadline in North Carolina is 25 days before Election Day. The deadline is different for military and overseas citizens.
If you miss the registration deadline, you may be eligible to register and vote or make changes to your voter registration (other than party affiliation) and vote during the early voting period. Click to learn more: Register in Person During Early Voting.
Utilize the NC SBE Voter Search tool to see your voter registration, sample ballot, and polling location.
On Election Day, voters must vote in their assigned precinct. Jackson County Election Day polling places are listed below. Click here to verify your Election Day polling location and the jurisdictions you will be voting for.
All polling locations and machinery are accessibility compliant with the Help America Vote Act (2002).
If you are a registered voter of Jackson County and choose not to vote in person,
you may request an absentee ballot to be mailed to you. Any North Carolina registered voter may request, receive and vote a mail-in absentee ballot in most elections. No special circumstance or reason is needed to vote by mail in North Carolina.
To request an absentee ballot, visit the NC Vote By Mail website or call the Jackson County Board of Elections at 828-586-753 for more information.
If you would like to learn more about challenges and complaints regarding election and voting procedures, please call or visit our office.